My story with Titanic dates back to 1998, when I first saw the well awarded movie from James Cameron. The movie itself impressed me so much that I had to watch it over and over again. At that time I had very limited resources, like no internet, I couldn't speak English at all but I found a book in the school library describing this huge, enormous ship. The book is from the Eyewitness series; Titanic by Simon Adams.
The following captures are courtesy of this book with my edition and translations, due to the fact that I had a Hungarian version. Therefore you might find dissimilarities of the names depicted.
The book contains a four pages, well detailed, starboard side view of the ship. It serves a good reference for a 6-years-old to copy the pictures and draw it in a good look. I even have my old drawings today and I still remember the excitement while drawing it. From windows to 'every rivet' that I saw on the photos, I drew. Taking four A4 size pages, sticking them together, it became my masterpiece. Now as an engineer student I have better tools and knowledge that I always dream of redrawing the ship with advanced software. You can buy now all kinds of blueprints, deck-plans, engineering drawings of Titanic that it is a matter of time only. I only would like to give here a small glance to these pictures from the book. It gives a nice side-view of the ship with a few elements described. For me it took a bit of time to accurately translate the text from the Hungarian translation, so to say I translated 'back to original'. I can assure that the names are authentic with their English names, since I used over 300 websites to find out about the correct words. At some point I really felt my lack of knowledge in Marine Engineering but many words I learned this was. I hope you find it as useful as I did in '98.
Resources: Titanic - Simon Adams, Eyewitness book series Hungarian version
Front picture: Robert Hahn, Titanic Research and Modeling Association